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Family And Beer Don’t Go Together? Now They Do

Family And Beer Don’t Go Together? Now They Do

Enjoying a cool beer on a sunny afternoon as your children run around in the park is nothing short of bliss. Your beer belly may be proof of your love for the drink or you might be a teetotaller, but drinking beer with the family is definitely something unheard of. Till now. However, with non-alcoholic beer, that taboo could quickly become a thing of the past. There are many non alcoholic beers in India today. More and more families are welcoming this beer without alcohol. Here’s why:

1) Take Out the Alcohol and the Stigma in One Go:

Unlike low alcohol beer with upto 1.4% ABV, non alcoholic beer in India has 0.0% ABV which means that these are zero alcohol beers. You can drink them without getting drunk but with the same authentic taste of beer. Because these are non alcoholic beers, the usual stigma that is attached to drinking, especially ‘day-drinking,’ is automatically removed. You can enjoy a beer with your family without any shame. Bonus point: You don’t have to worry about your drunk uncle’s antics :p

2) The Mouth-Watering Flavours:

3Sisters non alcoholic beer comes in 6 different flavours and all of them are delicious. You can try the good old classic German Lager flavour or go for the fruity ones which include cranberry, strawberry, ginger, peach, and kiwi mint. The best thing about this beer is that when your kid asks you for a sip (because you can always count on that!), you can share your drink without any qualms. It’s kid friendly, tasty, and 100% alcohol free.

3) Your Road Trip Just Became a lot More Fun:

Now you can go on road trips and everyone can enjoy their drink because you won’t be breaking any laws and no more fights about who would be the designated driver! Moreover, you can drink with your families on weekend picnics and getaways. Before you leave for that awaited roadtrip, read about these essentials that you shouldn't forget.

4) Families that Cook (Drink) Together Stay Together:

If you have a big and boisterous family, you know how chaotic it can get during festivals when everyone is under the same roof. There are hundreds of things brewing on the stove, someone is constantly cutting onions, people are getting hungrier by the minute, kids are running about and screaming. And obviously, everyone is chattering away. Non alcoholic beer is a great drink for such times because it will cool the rising temperatures and provide the perfect company to your conversation and food.


There is no better way to put it, but non alcoholic beer is the healthier option amongst most drinks that are available in the market. For people who don’t drink, their inevitable choice till now had to be soft drinks which are full of sugar and carbohydrates. With this new drink, everyone who wants to abstain from alcohol but not from the fun, can now be a part of the celebration without worrying about their health. And for the ones who usually drink alcohol, this is a healthier option as it contains less calories, less sugar, and zero alcohol! With non alcoholic beer, taking care of your health does not always have to be boring.
Non-alcoholic beers are slowly penetrating the Indian market. They are perfect for people who do not or do not want to drink alcohol, anyone who is trying to cut back on it, or for people who just love to drink delicious beverages. There are few brands which offer this product and one of our favourites is the 3Sisters non alcoholic beer. You can try it out today or stock up for that upcoming family get-together! Happy Drinking ;)

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